The JavaScript
Below is the JavaScript that is used in the demo this plugin simply extends the jQuery framework, allowing you to activate a message box by calling the function ‘noticeAdd()’.
One interesting feature of this plugin is that it allows you to append a CSS class to the popup notice which can then be styled.
For example with the error message I’m appending the .error class and in the CSS i’m just adding a background color.
$(document).ready( function () |
text: 'This is a simple notification using the jQuery notice plugin. Click the X above to remove this notice.' , |
$( '.add' ).click( function () |
text: 'This is a notification that you have to remove' , |
$( '.add2' ).click( function () |
text: 'This is a notification that will remove itself' , |
$( '.add3' ).click( function () |
text: 'This is an error notification!' , |
$( '.add4' ).click( function () |
text: 'This is a success notification!' , |
$( '.remove' ).click( function () |
jQuery.noticeRemove($( '.notice-item-wrapper' ), 400); |
< li class = "add" >Click here to see a notification that you have to remove</ li > |
< li class = "add2" >Click here to see a notification that does not stay</ li > |
< li class = "add3" >Error Notification</ li > |
< li class = "add4" >Success Notification</ li > |
< li class = "remove" >Remove all active notifications</ li > |
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